Searching for a Pathway or Extract

There are multiple Filters you can apply when searching for a Pathway or Extract.

  • Organisation
    Select the Organisation from the drop-down list or start typing the Organisation's name.
  • Ownership
    Select from All (default), Owned by Organisation, Pathways with Viewing Permissions or Pathways Shared to Organisation.
  • Owner
    Select from All Owners (default),  select the Owner from the drop-down list, or start typing the owner's name.
  • Distribution Status
    Select from All (default), Auto Distribution Off, Awaiting Download or Successful.
  • Version Status
    Select from All (default), Out of Date or Up to Date.
  • Rule Type
    Select from All (default), Extract or Pathway.
  • Extract Status
    Select from All (default), Extract status not available, Extracts not up to date, Extracts up to date or Waiting for report regeneration for latest figures.
  • Pathways
    Select the Pathway from the drop-down list or start typing the Pathway name.

Using Filters

  1. Select the appropriate Filters.
    For example, Extracts up to date.

  2. Select Apply Filter.
    The results display.
  3. If you are an Administrator, you can select Save Default to save the filters as a default for your Organisation.

  4. To remove an active Filter select Clear Filter.